Friday, October 28, 2011

It's all fun and games

i am feerce predater, master of all creetures!

sumfing over there needz playing wit!

my favorit! ribbin toy! I drag ribn toy round evywhere. its my favorite fing after my peeple, Merlin, and fudz.


  1. Oh yes, Kenneth, you look mighty fierce *rolls eyes.* What a sweet fuzzy kitten he is. Isn't it funny how something so small -- I'm guessing still five pounds or less -- can completely take over one's heart and home? I doubt Merlin is as enamored of Kenneth as Kenneth is of him but that seems typical of big brother/ little brother relationships. BTW, two of my favorite things pictured in that third photograph - a kitty-cat and a piano. *sigh* I tend to agree with Albert Schweitzer who said something along the lines of "There are two means of refuge from the miseries of life: music and cats."

  2. Wondering if these echo Merlin's experiences with Kenneth:
